Auditor Walder Invited to Speak at Statehouse

May 22, 2024


Provided Recommendations to Help Taxpayers

COLUMBUS, OHIO, May 22, 2024–At Senator Sandra O’Brien’s invitation, Geauga County Auditor Charles E. Walder testified at the Ohio Statehouse before the Joint Committee on Property Tax Review and Reform. Auditor Walder recommended straightforward changes to existing law that would increase transparency for the public and lighten the load for Ohio’s overburdened taxpayers.

“I am pro-taxpayer,” Auditor Walder told the Joint Committee. “[My proposal] would truly give the taxpayer a better shake…for what they’re voting on.”

The Joint Committee on Property Tax Review and Reform is tasked with reviewing Ohio’s property tax system and making recommendations on the issue to the General Assembly. The Joint Committee is co-chaired by Sen. Louis Blessing (R-Cincinnati) and Rep. Bill Roemer (R-Richfield). In addition to Sen. Sandra O’Brien (R-Rome), Joint Committee members include Rep. Dan Troy (D-Willowick), Sen. Bill DeMora (D-Columbus), Sen. George Lang (R-West Chester), Sen. Herschel Craig (D-Columbus), Rep. Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Cleveland), Rep. Tracy Richardson (R-Marysville), and Rep. Tom Young (R-Dayton). HB33 (Edwards) requires the Joint Committee to provide a report and make recommendations on property tax law to the General Assembly by Tuesday, December 31, 2024.

“I am so proud of Geauga County and especially you, Auditor Walder, for your leadership,” Sen. O’Brien stated during the Joint Committee meeting. “Kudos to you.”

For more information, please contact Kate Jacob McClain by email at [email protected] or phone (440) 279-1629.