AT&T Mobility LLC – Amount: $439.64

Categories: Protested Invoices
AT&T Mobility LLC
Juvenile Court
Monday, September 25, 2023
Reason for Protest Payment:
Please be advised that this letter is a formal request pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 319.16(A)(2) for “legible copies of any court-approved invoice, bill, receipt, cehck, or contractrelated to the order, redacted as required by law.” As that statutory requirement provides, the above referenced requested evidentiary matter is required along with a “proper court order” in order for the Geauga County Auditor’s Office to process that at-issue requested payment out of the Geauga County Treasury. Also, no original signature on the voucher. No invoice provided. Updated: 09/26/2023 Invoice provided. New phones were activiated and old traded in. No ADP for new cell phones.
GL Account:
PO Number: